1.5.1. Check example application is running

From the Visual Studio Code Terminal, invoke terraform output.

terraform output | grep Bigip1VipEipAddress

…Ctrl + click on the Bigip1VipEipAddress=. This is the same Elastic IP we just reviewed in the AWS Console.


We are using self-signed certificates in the lab. Bypass the TLS warnings. “Accept the Risk and Continue”. You will see the example app.


1.5.2. Survive a fail-over event across Availability Zones

From the AWS Console, Services => EC2 => NETWORK & SECURITY => Elastic IPs. Note the Elastic IP address (public IPv4 address) mapping for the Secondary IP address of our Active Big-IP1 (10.0.1.x).


Big-IP1 => Device Management => Devices => Self => [Force to Standby]. Click [OK] to confirm.


Big-IP2 is now active.


From the AWS Console, Services => EC2 => NETWORK & SECURITY => Elastic IPs. Note the Elastic IP address (public IPv4 address) mapping for the Secondary IP has changed to the new Active Big-IP2 (10.0.2.x). Hit the refresh icon in the upper-right-hand side a few times until you notice the change.


Back to the example app screen. We are using self-signed certificates in the lab. Bypass the TLS warnings. “Accept the Risk and Continue”. You will see the example app now behind the new active Big-IP2.



The example application reports which Availability Zone is serving up the content (pool member), not which Availability Zone is hosting the active Big-IP.